Gaps In Teeth And How You Can Treat It

Gaps In Teeth

A gap between two or more of your teeth can be unsightly and cause you to feel self-conscious about your smile. Not do they look poor from an aesthetic standpoint; they are also difficult to clean due to the underlying structure of your mouth.

The gaps in teeth is a common dental problem that not only causes a bad smile but also causes more dental problems. It occurs when two or more of your natural teeth are spaced from each other. This space can become a breeding ground for bacteria which leads to more problems including tartar build up, gum disease and tooth decay.

If you have gaps in teeth, it’s natural to wonder what the cause is. This article looks at the ways in that causes gaps in the teeth, how they lead to cavities and tartar build-up so you can ensure that you take proper care of your teeth.

What causes gaps in teeth?

A space between two teeth also called a diastema, or tooth gap, is a common dental problem. This can happen due to an large jaw, an improperly sized tooth, or abnormal spacing.

It often occurs in the upper front teeth but can also appear in the back ones. The most common cause of diastema is

  • Not enough room for the teeth
  • Premature loss of baby teeth
  • Enamel hypoplasia
  • Continuous eruption of teeth
  • When the two central incisors do not touch each other

A diastema between lateral incisors can be caused by a congenital defect or trauma to the dental arch.

The most important thing you should do for diastema is to prevent the teeth from moving out of their proper position, so that they can be properly spaced and aligned when the permanent adult dentition comes in.

You might not know this, but gaps in your teeth can lead to cavities. In fact, gaps in your teeth can also lead to tartar build-up and gum disease.

How gaps in teeth lead to tartar build-up

Plaque and tartar build-up happens at the base of the teeth. Having gaps in the teeth gives plaque and tartar and bacteria more space to fill and leads to build-up if it isn’t taken care of every day. Eventually, the bacteria may spread into the gum tissue at the base of your teeth and cause tooth decay or periodontitis, which is an infection of the tissues surrounding your tooth.

Not to forget this can be embarrassing.

How does tartar build-up affect the body?

Tartars in the mouth can lead to all sorts of dental problems. Tooth tartar does not only occur on your teeth but can also form on soft tissues such as your skin, lips and gums. It can cause tooth decay, plaque on the surface of the gums can cause periodontal disease and gingivitis.

These bacteria can enter your bloodstream and contribute to more serious conditions.

How can you prevent tartar, plaque from forming?

The good news is there are simple steps you can take to maintain your teeth for longer and make sure they remain strong and healthy.

It is important to brush your teeth twice a day regularly and learn how to do it correctly.

Use of toothpaste that contains fluoride. Use a soft-bristle brush and brush with gentle and short strokes

Flossing the teeth once a day helps to remove food particles and bacteria.

You can also use an antibacterial mouth rinse to reduce the cause of tartar.

Increasing your intake of tartar-preventative foods could potentially prevent these problems from occurring.

How can you remove tartar build-up?

There are treatments available to remove the tartar build-up that forms.

Solve all your teeth alignment problems discreetly with Aligner Factari’s invisible aligners. Contact our specialist at Aligner Factari for treating your gaps in teeth. You can get a consultation here.


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The solution you were looking for to transform your smile. Hassle, pain-free, and completely comfortable. Here to make people of all ages smile with our state-of-the-art aligners and our patient-centric philosophy.

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