How to avoid teeth relapse after straightening treatment?

Teeth Retainers

Teeth straightening should be a jumpstart to a new you, not a recurring event. Yes, braces and invisible aligners help you correct your teeth bite, positioning and other smile related problems. However, the success after the invisible brace’s treatment depends on two things teeth retainers and discipline.

Invisible aligners are a fantastic solution to straighten your teeth, whether you are a teenager or an adult. This treatment will move your teeth into their correct position, nevertheless, once the treatment is over your teeth can still shift back towards their original position, which is an issue that teeth retainers are designed to keep from happening.

Once your invisible aligner treatment is over and your teeth are straight, they will be cleaned. At this time a custom-made teeth retainer for teeth straightening is crafted to support the bone and the tissue as they require time to reorganize and solidify after invisible braces treatment, it usually takes 6 months to 1 year.

Many people who had braces as a teenager, stopped wearing their retainers leading to teeth relapse. These patients end up getting orthodontic relapse treatment a second time as an adult.

Teeth Retainers maintain tooth position well and help to keep the beautiful smile in place.

There are different teeth retainer types, most retainers are removable, meaning you can remove them out whenever you want, but you can also opt for permanent teeth retainers. Permanent retainers keep teeth in place till your orthodontist takes them off. In most cases, patients are asked to wear their retainer for teeth straightening day and night for at least 6 months after having the braces removed.

Hawley Removable Retainers

This device is made of acrylic and with a wireframe, the patient can make a choice of colour for these teeth retainers. The upper portion is moulded in the shape of the roof of the mouth and the bottom portion is moulded according to the back of the lower teeth, to hold the teeth in a specific position. Thin yet strong the wire runs on both parts.

Essix Removable Teeth Retainers

These teeth retainers are transparent and are virtually invisible like invisible aligners for teeth, they are removable making brushing and flossing easier.

With removable teeth retainers eating and drinking should be avoided except room temperature water. The lifespan of these retainers depends on how often you wear them and how well you take care of them.

These retainers can be cleaned with teeth retainer cleaner, by brushing them with a soft-bristle toothbrush, or by washing them under running lukewarm water, as hot water can fold the plastic.

Fixed Bonded Teeth Retainers

A bonded retainer is a wire that is bonded to the backs of your teeth to keep them from moving. Although these teeth retainer cost more than the removable retainers and are harder to clean since
they remain in the mouth. Your orthodontist will be giving you specific instructions on maintaining oral health while teeth retainers are in use, there would be visits to the dentist with fixed retainers.

These retainers are not visible to others, they cannot be misplaced or lost, there are no specific instructions on when to wear them. Fixed bonded teeth retainers are durable and will last for years.


Teeth retainers are vital to enjoying a gorgeous smile that lasts a lifetime. Your final result will be based on how faithfully you wear them. So, be sure to wear them to prevent the shifting of your teeth.

Treatment at Aligner Factari ensures that you get a free custom teeth retainer kit that is made specifically for your teeth after you finish your invisible braces treatment. Book a free 3D scan today!!!


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Aligner Factari

The solution you were looking for to transform your smile. Hassle, pain-free, and completely comfortable. Here to make people of all ages smile with our state-of-the-art aligners and our patient-centric philosophy.

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